
Employment Opportunities

Inquiries can be made by calling  Joshua Reed, Valier Schools Superintendent, at 279-3613 or by sending an email to reedj@valier.k12.mt.us


Valier Schools is currently seeking applicants for the following positions:

For teaching opportunities at Valier Public Schools, please visit the Montana Office of Public Instruction at www.opi.mt.gov, Jobs for Teachers link. Create an account and submit the OPI on-line teaching application to Valier Public Schools, 

or print the application and submit to Joshua Reed, Valier Schools Superintendent, at reedj@valier.k12.mt.us


Click Apply Now to be taken to the OPI Jobs for Teachers website

Click Print Application for a printable version of the application.


Valier Schools is currently seeking applicants for the following positions:

District Clerk - Immediate Opening 

Return the completed application to Joshua Reed, Valier Schools Superintendent or email it to  reedj@valier.k12.mt.us

Click Print Application for a printable version of the Classified application.


Valier Schools is currently seeking applicants for the 2024-2025 athletic season:

Girls Junior High Volleyball 

Boys Varsity Basketball 

Girls Varsity Basketball 

Girls Junior High Basketball 

Boys Junior High Basketball 

Girls and Boys Junior High Wrestling 

Girls and Boys Varsity Wrestling 

Girls and Boys Varsity Track

Girls and Boys Junior High Track

Girls and Boys Varsity Golf 

Return the completed application and a letter of interest to Dani Farnstrom, Athletic Director at the Valier High School, or email to  Joshua Reed, Valier Schools Superintendent, reedj@valier.k12.mt.us

Click Print Application for a printable version of the Classified application.