Absence Instructions

Valier School District



This attendance criteria is based on the theory that prompt and regular attendance in school is the beginning of dependability in adult business, personal, and social life. Furthermore, regular attendance is important, because valuable skills and information gained in the classroom may or may not show up on tests or be reflected in an academic grade. The general welfare of all students is best served by regular attendance. 

Absences that WILL NOT be used in calculating the attendance record are:

Medical absences must be documented by a doctor’s note within 72 hours of the absence. Documentation must be submitted to the building secretary. 

Absences which will be counted in the open campus and eligibility rule will include such areas as: family trips, work days, vacations, visiting friends or relatives, suspension in and out of school, watching tournaments when not an actual participant, hair, medical, dental, or photography appointments, skiing, hunting, attending concerts, shopping, or any others not mentioned which are unacceptable to the Superintendent.


Students who are late to class will be recorded as tardy by the classroom teacher. Students are allowed no more than three tardies total per quarter. For every tardy above the limit, students will be given lunch detention on the next available school day. Tardies during 1st Hour class will be marked as an absence after 8:30am. 


High School Open Campus

Any high school student missing 10 days of school or 10 periods of a class during any one (1) semester will forfeit open campus privileges. This consequence can be appealed to the Board to make the final determination. The appeal must be made within sixty (60) days from the end of the semester.

Athletic and Activity Eligibility

A student is considered absent and unable to participate in extracurricular activities if they are marked absent for any period of the school day, with the exception of a documented medical excuse. Any student arriving at school after 8:30am will be marked absent for the first period. If a student is absent on Friday, they will be unable to participate in activities held on the weekend. 

3.    TRUANCY 

When a student is absent and either the parent or school is unaware of the reason for the absence or the student is in violation of the open campus rule, the student is considered to be truant. The following are the consequences for truancy:

 First instance – zeroes for all classes missed day. Parents will be notified and an office referral will be filed in Infinite Campus and placed in the students permanent record. 

 Second instance – zeroes for classes and work missed. Minimum two-day out-of-school suspension. Students will be referred to juvenile authorities. Parents will be notified and an office referral will be filed in Infinite Campus and placed in the students permanent record.

Third instance – zeroes for all classes and work missed. Five-day out-of-school suspension. Follow up with juvenile authorities. Parents will be notified and an office referral will be filed in Infinite Campus and placed in the students permanent record.

Fourth instance – The student will be suspended for ten days and a recommendation will be made to the school board for expulsion. 


It is the responsibility of students to check in with their teachers regarding make-up work after an absence. The student is allowed to make up work as follows: Two days for the first day absent and one day for each additional day of continuous absence. Students will be given a make-up work form by the office to complete when returning from an absence. Late work will note be accepted beyond the due date on the absence form. . 

Student Absence Instructions

If your child or children will be absent for any reason, please notify the office ahead of time if it is a planned absence.

In case of illness, please notify the office by 8:00am. 

Student absences for grades K-7, please e-mail Mrs. Mom at momchilovichl@valier.k12.mt.us with the child's name and reason for absence so that it can be documented correctly. Calling the school is also an option if e-mailing is not possible: 406-279-3314


Student absences for grades 8-12, please e-mail Mrs. Bridge at bridgen@valier.k12.mt.us with the child's name and reason for absence so that it can be documented correctly. Calling the school is also an option if e-mailing is not possible: 406-279-3613